"Cedar Grove’s tenants fear their summer home will become another neglected piece of Parks property — like neighboring New Dorp Beach, long closed to the public, debris lining its shores."

The Parks Department has said it will not renew the licensing agreement with the Cedar Grove Beach Club, a nearly 300-acre waterfront colony in New Dorp that is almost 100 years old and they still refuse to release a plan for the site. (SI Advance file photo/Michael McWeeney
Staten Island
At least $1.4 million in fees paid to the city by the tenants of the Cedar Grove Beach Club in New Dorp will be used to make the privately-leased stretch of land public — revenue Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe called “inconsequential in the grand scheme of things,” according the S.I. Advance.
Parks remains firm in its plans to reclaim the beach despite pressure from elected officials and pleas from the people who have summered there for decades to reconsider in the face of the city’s shrinking budget and the agency’s refusal to discuss specifics.
Parks remains firm in its plans to reclaim the beach despite pressure from elected officials and pleas from the people who have summered there for decades to reconsider in the face of the city’s shrinking budget and the agency’s refusal to discuss specifics.
The first phase will be the demolition of all but a few of the waterfront bungalows when they are vacated for the last time on Sept. 30. A public park is expected to be ready by next summer and the beach the following year, Benepe said. The remaining bungalows will be renovated into park structures such as sheds, lifeguard quarters, concessions and restrooms.
Benepe couldn’t estimate the cost of the project, but admitted it will be more than the $1.4 million available. No funding source was provided for additional capital dollars, though Benepe said Parks has “in-house ability to do some of the work.”
Benepe couldn’t estimate the cost of the project, but admitted it will be more than the $1.4 million available. No funding source was provided for additional capital dollars, though Benepe said Parks has “in-house ability to do some of the work.”
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S.I. Advance - September 5, 2010 - By Stephanie Slepian
This makes no sense. Why is the Parks Department so hell bent on evicting the residents of Cedar Grove Beach Club when the city is in financial straits. This land was taken from the beach club by eminent domain and never used for the purpose it was taken away from them for...which was a road. The beach is kept clean and is open to the public. More people want it to stay then see it go. Why Mr. Benepe? Staten Island Beaches are not fully utilized as is. This makes no sense. WHY????