Two Marine One helicopters (L) and a Marine Four copter on the baseball fields in Prospect Park this afternoon. (Photos: Geoffrey Croft/NYC Park Advocates) Click on images to enlarge.
By Geoffrey Croft
All games were suspected today in the baseball fields in Prospect Park on account of the President of the United States.
Two Marine One helicopters - one carrying Barack Obama and the other a decoy - along with two other copters began ascending on the fields around 2:45pm this afternoon.
Marine One touched down in the outfields of baseball field # 3 and # 4 kicking up large clouds of infield dirt and rattling tree branches.
Spectators strained to catch glimpses of the spectacle along the park's Long Meadow, pathways and through trees wrapped with blue police caution tape.
Marines in full dress uniform stood near the copters and Marine aviator personnel were also seen walking the grounds of the ball fields.
A contingent of emergency service personnel including NYPD ESU and FDNY were stationed near the landing area and along the park's drives.

A large contingent of unformed officers were spread out on the park grounds.
Visitors today found the park's drives closed to vehicle traffic but pedestrians were allowed inside with only the parameter around the ball fields closed off in a "frozen zone."
The West Drive near the ball fields were also closed for a short period of time.
Earlier this week the Prospect Park Alliance announced on its website that the entire 585 acre park would be closed for six hours, however yesterday they clarified that saying only portions would be closed without providing addition information.
The President was in Brooklyn to visit Pathways in Technology High School in Crown Heights.
In the mid-1980s the future president lived a half a block from Prospect Park in a town house on Second Street in Park Slope after he graduated from Columbia.

Marine Three and Four parked on the baseball fields flanked by an NYPD ESU truck.
Interesting to see, but who really cared?