Crime in city parks jumped thirty-two percent over the last nine months. Violent crime rose nineteen percent and increased in all four categories. Five hundred and two people reported being the victim of violent crime during the first three quarters of 2016. Robberies increased twenty-nine percent.
The de Blasio administration continues to maintain that park crime is,”rare.”
By Geoffrey Croft
Crime in city parks increased thirty-two percent in 2016 compared to the previous time period according to the latest figures complied by NYPD and analyzed by NYC Park Advocates.
There were 955 reported crimes in 2016 in city parks over nine months compared to 721 in 2015 over the same period.
Violent crime increased nineteen percent. Five hundred and two people reported being the victim of violent crime in 2016 compared to four hundred and twenty-one in 2015 during the same time period. Violent Crime was up in all four categories.
Eight people were murdered during the first nine months of 2016, fourteen were raped, three-hundred and two people were robbed, and 142 were victims of felony assaults.
Murder 8 in 2016 vs. 6 in 2015 a 33% increase
Rape 14 vs. 12 an 17% increase
Robbery 302 vs. 234 a 29% increase
Felony Assault 179 vs. 169 a 6 % increase
Bronx parks occupied six positions in the top ten in violent crimes reported.
Once again Flushing Meadows Corona Park lead the city in total crimes with sixty-eight. Coney Island Beach and Boardwalk lead the city in violent crimes.
The figures do not include Central Park which has its own police precinct.
The statistics cover through September 31, 2016, the latest park crime data released by the NYPD.
Brooklyn parks had seven rapes, Prospect Park lead the city with three, Bronx parks had four, Manhattan two and Queens one.
Brooklyn had four of the city’s eight murders, Bronx and Queens each had two.

Violent crime rose nineteen percent and was up in all four categories during the first three quarters of 2016. Five hundred and two people reported being the victim of violent crime - eight people were murdered, fourteen were raped, three-hundred and two people were robbed, and 178 were victims of felony assaults.
Total Crime

Violent Crime




Felony Assault

Twelve Month Data
Crime increased twenty-nine precent over the last year compared to the previous time period according to the latest figures.
Violent crime rose twenty-one percent. Eleven people were murdered, twenty-two people were raped, three-hundred and ninety-eight people were robbed, and two hundred and eight were victims of felony assaults.
Total Crime: 1, 139 vs. 881 an increase of 29 %
Violent Crime: 638 vs. 529 an increase of 21 %

Crime increased twenty-nine precent over the last twelve months, violent crime rose twenty-one percent. Eleven people were murdered, twenty-two people were raped, three-hundred and ninety-eight people were robbed, and two hundred and eight were victims of felony assaults.