On November 29th a gold spray painted swastika was found at the entrance to Reiff Playground seen here after it was partly painted over by park workers. (Photos: NYC Park Adovocates) Click on images to enlarge.
By Geoffrey Croft
The Maspeth playground discovered defaced with anti-Jewish and anti-police graffiti last week has been targeted three times over the last six weeks, NYC Park Advocates has learned.
Several pentagram and pentacle symbols were also drawn. Graffiti was found on play equipment with graphic sexual phrases were kids were seen playing, a derogatory phrase towards Jesus Christ were also discovered.
The vandal (s) have hit play equipment, the comfort station, handball courts, basketball court, benches and slides in three separate incidents - November 29, 16, and October 30th.
The most recent were discovered last Tuesday where two swastikas in gold spay paint were found including one on the sign at the entrance of the playground.
November 29, 2016. A swastika in black spray paint and MDMA, aka ecstasy, was illustrated with a face were found written on the ground of the playground. “F**k the Jew,” written in gold spray paint was next to them.
"F**k the Police" and "shomoney," along with a money and heart symbol were found written in gold spray paint on the handball courts.
Playground equipment slides, and the comfort station door and benches were also defaced with gold spray paint.
The walls of a nearby factory building were also hit.
On November 15, six swastikas were found scrawled on the handball courts. Graphic sexual actions naming two males were also seen on the courts.
On October 30 playground equipment were defaced with graphic sexual suggestions while kids were seen playing on them.
A large area of the exterior comfort station wall was also defaced including a derogatory phrase towards Jesus Christ along with the phrase, “Death over Dishonor.” A bathroom door was also hit.
The surface of the basketball court, the handball courts, and steps were also spray painted.
Park employees canvassed the area and talked with homeowners and businesses in an effort to obtain surveillance footage.
The NYPD said yesterday that there has been a 115 percent increase in bias crimes since the election last month. Hate crimes are up 35 percent for all of 2016 compared to the year prior.
The most concentrated number of incidents has come in the weeks since November 8. Police reported 43 incidents compared to 20 during the same period of 2015. Of the 43 attacks, 24 were directed at Jews—three times as many as occurred last November.

(Photos: NYC Park Adovocates) Click on images to enlarge.
The most concentrated number of incidents has come in the weeks since November 8. Police reported 43 incidents compared to 20 during the same period of 2015. Of the 43 attacks, 24 were directed at Jews—three times as many as occurred last November.

Seven swastikas were found on the handball courts.
October 30th.
A large area of the exterior comfort station wall was also defaced including a derogatory phrase towards Jesus Christ.
(Photos: NYC Park Adovocates) Click on images to enlarge.
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