The $ 250 Million - 10-story high facility is the only marine waste transfer station being proposed by the Bloomberg administration in the middle of a high density neighborhood and in the middle of parkland. Photo: Geoffrey Croft/NYC Park Advocates) Click on image to enlarge.
The abandoned Department Of Sanitation East 91st St. Marine Waste Transfer Station (above-center) is nestled between the Asphalt Green, a 9 acre recreational facility and DeKovats Playground located on the Upper East Side. For years the community complained about the putrid smells originating from the sanitation facility and its operation. After vehement community opposition the station was finally closed in 1999 after nearly 60 years of operation.
The community is currently fighting the building of a new much larger waste transfer station as part of Mayor Bloomberg Solid Waste Management Plan, (SWMP). Opponents argue that no other community is being forced to house a waste transfer-station directly in the middle of a public park located in the City's highest density residential community.
As part of the legal proceedings, Parks Department lawyer Alessandro Olivieri stated that the Asphalt Green, parks managed waterfront esplanade Bobby Wagner Walk, and DeKovats Playground were not parkland.

Mayoral candadate Bill Thompson signed the Pledge 2 Protect at a press converance yesterday. Mr. Thompson was greeted by long-time E. 91 Street Marine Transfer Station
(MTS) foe NY State Assemblyman-and City Council candadate-Micah Z. Kellner.
The Bloomberg administration has long attempted to portray the opposition to the siting of the transfer station on E. 91st Strret as an "environmental racism" issue.
According to PLEDGE 2 Protect data however 62% more minority residents live in this area than at any other proposed site. There are more than 1,100 public housing units – only one other location has any public housing units, and that site’s total is 33. The area around E. 91st has twice the amount of parks, fitness/recreational areas and bike/pedestrian paths than any other site.
The MTS would also affect significantly more people than any other proposed marine transfer station, including more people (22,056) than the other six MTS combined and 35 times the number of families living in public housing than the other 6 MTS combined and over 30% more children than the other 6 MTS combined.

The Pledge 2 Protect coalition believes that major waste facilities do not belong in any residential neighborhoods in the city.
Read More:
Christine Quinn accuses Bill Thompson of ‘environmental racism’
New York Daily News - May 31, 2013 - By Erin Durkin and Tina Moore
Quinn: Thompson And UES Trash Station Opponents Stand For More Asthma For Poor Kids
New York Daily News - May 30, 2013 By Erin Durkin
Christine Quinn Says Bill Thompson Backs ‘Environmental Racism’
Politicker - May 30, 3013 - By Colin Campbell
Thompson ‘dumps’ on Quinn
New York Post - By Sally Goldrenberg - May 31, 2013
Thompson Trashes UES Garbage Plan, Quinn Stands Firm
Bill Thompson takes a stand on a controversial garbage transfer station while picking up an important endorsement
WNBC - May 30, 3013 - By Melissa Russo
Upper East Side Garbage Protest Now Has 5 Mayoral Candidates on Board
Village Voice - May 30 2013 - By Sydney Brownstone
Quinn, Alone, Stands Firm On An East Side Waste Station
Capital NY - February 23, 2013 - By Azi Paybarah
91st St. Marine Waste Transfer Station Suit Dismissed - Group Vows To Appeal
A Walk In The Park - December 30, 2011
A Walk In The Park - October 12, 2010 - By Tony Ard
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